how to wear superleggero in new york city

New Museum toilet self-portraits are turning into the new New York autoportrait tourist essential, my companion on the visit told me the ladies was full of a group of gossiping Venuzuelan women marvelling at the tiles also taking photos with snatches of themselves in the mirror.  There really is no need to be ashamed there everybody knows exactly what you’re hip to – just point, hold and shoot it clean.
The hat is sottozero, black, worn with a cuff (slightly older kids wear it with the cuff a little longer and higher on the crown of their head).  The jacket is the legendary Futuradosmil’s personal old Descente cycling jacket (FL version) gifted to me by him personally in his flat the previous day – he gave it to me worn, with smells and everything, a smell which wasn’t for everybody so I sprayed some of my friend’s Hermés scent on the collar, a small bottle from an airport 3 pack, and wore it like that the whole trip, with a very distinct mix of scents wafting up pressing against my neck’s obscenely young skin. Photo and text Lodovico Pignatti Morano.


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