Author: admin

  • bijou


    «Ciao Antonello, I have received the stem. Perfect condition, more beautiful than the photos. Soon I hope to mount it on my bike and enjoy a bit of this little piece of art. Thank you very much. Julian.»

    Find more beautiful rarities and memorabilia at our aerodinamica online store.


  • lime green


    KULULA AIRLINE wonderful new livery. Love to fly.

  • stille nacht / die kraft


    «Um Mitternacht, wenn die Menschen erst schlafen,
    dann scheinet uns der Mond,
    dann leuchtet uns der Stern;
    Wir wandeln und singen
    und tanzen erst gern.
    Um Mitternacht, wenn die Menschen erst schlafen,
    Auf Wiesen, an den Erlen
    wir suchen unsern Raum
    und wandeln und singen
    und tanzen einen Traum.» 

    JOHANN WOLFGANG von GOETHE – Gesang der Elfen.

    Walenstadtberg, Dienstag den 22.Oktober 2013. DORIS Elfenhain an einem ruhigen und stillen Abend.  Photo Antonello Tabarelli de Fatis

  • good news


    Sunday 20th October. Mostly sunny currently. It is 13°. The high will be 20°. Your iPhone wishes you a good ride. Photo Antonello Tabarelli de Fatis

  • go


    This will be a very full busy and exciting week in Italy, so hurry up!. TWIGGY wearing the “mobile dress” at Battersea Park in London. Photo Ronald Traeger.

  • azzurro


    «Wie kann es sein, daß ich, der ich bin,

    bevor ich wurde, nicht war,

    und daß einmal ich, der ich bin,

    nicht mehr der ich bin, sein werde?»

    PETER HANDKE – Lied vom Kindsein – Der Himmel über Berlin. Photo Antonello Tabarelli de Fatis

  • made in como


    First dispatch of the new Leggera for the next AW2013 collection, using the fantastic Italian silk  made in the Como textile district. No decision was better, the quality is now at a top level, with a smooth and soft texture, even more weightless, even more precious and even more sensual. For the hem I choose the “piattina”. A small but very precious detail. Silk is my obsession.Now in stock and ready to ship. Visit

  • go 60’s


    KATE MOSS directed by the independent filmmaker BALTHAZAR KLARWEIN in this 60’s inspired video for the STUART WEITZMAN official Fall 2013 marketing campain. The song “These boots are made for walking” was written and recorded by NANCY SINATRA in 1966. Long live the 60’s.

  • save the date


    The next September 25, CHRISTIE’S is hosting Kate Moss – The Collection of Gert Elfering” a selection of more than 50 pieces, photographs, paintings, sculptures, curated by the art collector GERT ELFERING. Visits from September 21 until September 24. London, 8 King street, St.James’s. Photo NICK KNIGHT for Vogue UK , may 2003.