LILY ceramic figurine from the Broken Series by JESSICA HARRISON.
LILY ceramic figurine from the Broken Series by JESSICA HARRISON.
I love you Bianca! Bianca is a fantastic cycling sock I designed some years ago. I found at the velodrome in Oerlikon an old sample made from a very thin and elegant wool yarn, ribbed and made by a French manufacturer.
I loved it, so iconic and legendary, so classic and minimal. I decided immediately to start a modern production using a fantastic high-performance fibre(Polipropilene)made in Italy with the same classic ribbed design, no logos, no funky colours and in a decent lenght. The result is great, 25gr. of pure freshness, lightness, breathability and romaticsm.
The PISCINE MOLITOR in Paris has re-opened! The Station Solaire, the elegant swimming pool not far from the centre of the city has re-opened after a 25 years long period of abandon and reconstruction. First inagurated in 1929 by JOHNNY WEISSMÜLLER best known as Tarzan, was closed down and abandoned in 1989. Used also in winter as an exclusive patinoire this icon Art-deco building was world famous for the celebrities, the galas and fashion shows, for the first bikini shown off in France in 1946 and later for the first topless. All the original-blue cabins, old mosaiques and windows were restored and conserved and the new 124 rooms have an incredible view on the pool.