Autore: aerodinamica

  • sunday with sergio leone


    “…for the two penny one, she only gives you a handjob. I can do that myself.” PATSYOnce upon a time in America.


    Claudia Cardinale Jiil McBain

    “…I hope you come back someday.” JILL McBAINOnce upon a time in the West.

  • food porn

    Pasticceria Caredda

    Hypoglycemia? Stop by CAREDDA KONDITOREI for a spectacular Aragosta.
    Pura libidine! Photo Antonello Tabarelli de Fatis

  • sprint

    Twiggy by Roland Traeger

    This will be another sprint week! In the picture, TWIGGY at Battersea Park in London. Photo Ronald Traeger

  • mantellina e via

    Jolly Ceramica

    There is no better sensation when you are on the top of the Passo Giau than stopping pedaling for these 20 meters, take a deep deep breath, squeeze a CLIF SHOT, put on your mantellina and…giù a tutta! The collection of four vintage cycling rain jackets including Jolly Ceramica, Molteni, Renault and Brooklyn will be soon available as single mantellina or as set with the musette and cappellino at our online store.

  • good morning

    Prague early morning

    Leaving Prague in a early quiet morning. Photo Antonello Tabarelli de Fatis

  • trick or treat?

    Nelly Halloween

    NELLY after the Halloween party. Photo Antonello Tabarelli de Fatis

  • lime green

    Kulula Airline

    KULULA AIRLINE wonderful new livery. Design to fly.

  • stille nacht / die kraft


    «Um Mitternacht, wenn die Menschen erst schlafen,
    dann scheinet uns der Mond,
    dann leuchtet uns der Stern;
    Wir wandeln und singen
    und tanzen erst gern.
    Um Mitternacht, wenn die Menschen erst schlafen,
    Auf Wiesen, an den Erlen
    wir suchen unsern Raum
    und wandeln und singen
    und tanzen einen Traum.» JOHANN WOLFGANG von GOETHE – Gesang der Elfen.

    Walenstadtberg, Dienstag den 22.Oktober 2013. DORIS Elfenhain an einem ruhigen und stillen Abend. Photo Antonello Tabarelli de Fatis

  • go

    Roland Trager Twiggy

    This will be a very full busy and exciting week in Italy, so hurry up!
    TWIGGY wearing the mobile dress designed by herself at Battersea Park in London. Photo Ronald Traeger – New Angles