Autore: aerodinamica

  • new week

    Cafe Louvre

    Back to Prague. Best way to start the new week? With a wonderful blue sky and my Gran Cappuccino Louvre. What else?

  • grazie mille

    Lorenzo Taxis

    Let me say a huge-huge-huge grazie mille to LORENZO TAXIS, Chief Marketing and Communication CAMPAGNOLO. Two days before the race, by changing the wheels I noticed that the bolt of the rear brake shoe was damaged. Racing in this condition was a risk, pushing hard on all the downhills the next Sunday. After checking by all the shops in the valley(it is incredible, with more than 9.000 cyclists they do not stock spare-parts!) I went to the CAMPAGNOLO booth at the Expo zone. Here I met LORENZO TAXIS, I explained him my problem and as a talented mech he disassembled a rear brake from the display and gave me the new bolt. Grazie mille LORENZO and so sorry I was not on the podium! Photo Antonello Tabarelli de Fatis

  • rest day in val badia

    Val Badia

    «Le soir même, un peu effondrés avec Guimard, nous avons alors imaginé notre va-tout. Le profil de l’étape qui partait le lendemain, entre Val Gardena et Arabba, offrait éventuellement une possibilité. Quelques cols se profilaient, Campolongo, Pordoi, Sella, Gardena et retour par le Campolongo. J’etais impatient de tout miser sur une seule attaque. Et le lendemain, exactement à l’endroit prévu, à 55 kilomètres du but, je suis parti seul dans le froid et la brume, que je détestais tant…»         
    LAURENT FIGNON – Nous étions jeunes et insouciants – Éditions Grasset et Fasquelle 2009.

  • way home

    Italian highway

    The last sunset on the Italian highway. Photo Antonello Tabarelli de Fatis

  • checklist


    My checklist for the MARATONA: Assos chamois pre ride creme, no friction and imflammations in this delicate area, simply a must before every ride; Cerotto Bertelli to keep warm my legs and knees before the start; Windose Warm Up creme, a taste of lavanda, peppermint and camphora to warm up my legs; Olbas oil, few drops of this magic oil to keep my nose and lungs open like a fan; Appenzeller Bärli-Biber ginger bred with marzipan filling, a romantic and energetic souvenir from Switzerland to eat before the start; Sis gel to squeeze during the race, no water needed; Jelly Belly Sport Beans to eat during the race, important supplier of electrolytes; Fidorka, a czech delicious cake, wafer and caffé filling before the last Passo Falzarego. Enervit aminoacidi and Windose Detox creme after the race. 00:34 the time from the Passo Valparola to the finish in Corvara, 19km a tutta!

  • krystof


    KRYSTOF before the start of the Pursuit at the Trebesin Velodrome in Prague. Photo Antonello Tabarelli de Fatis

  • pragerbahnrackete

    Cinelli Mash

    My Pragerbahnrackete at the PEDAL PROJECT Headquarter ready for the start of the 2013 Summer Series at the Prague- Trebesin Velodrome. See you on wednesday for the pursuit. Sempre a tutta!

  • rabbit died in a car crash

    Dead Rabbit

    Rabbit died in a car crash on the 101.

  • giro in cucina

    Giro d'Italia

    Buon Appetito! Very nice reportage on VELONEWS dedicated to the Cucina Italiana. Buon Giro d’Italia 2013!