birra pedavena

Birra Pedavena

I discovered this small brewery a few km before the „flamme rouge“ of the Granfondo Campagnolo in Feltre(Italy). Until 2004 the Birreria Pedavena produced beer under license for an international brewing company. When the company decided to close the factory, all the employees formed a syndicate and continued to do what they were able to do. Brewing!

The characteristics of the Birreria Pedavena are simple and easy: they use the ingredients and the materials of the area. The water comes directly from the Monte Avena(here the name „Pedavena“ means at the foot of the Mountain Avena). The hop and the barley come from their garden, the malt from their maltingfloor, so the making of the beer is done in their own factory. It is a complete local production! Due to these characteristics, the Birreria Pedavena received a lot of acknowledgement from „Wine and Spirit International Beer Challenge“ in London, „Australian International Beer Award“, „Superior Taste Award“ in Bruxelles. According to the old company they cannot sell to Switzerland, but I always stock a lot of bottles, so if you are interested I would be pleased to order some boxes. Do try this beer, it is excellent!
Tipps: Beer has the perfect profile for re-hydration after sport, contains a lot of maltodextrins, vit.B6, B12, folic acid, is very rich in dietary minerals like potassium and magnesium but contains a very small amount of sodium. Drink moderate!

