Category: people

  • sprint


    Will be another sprint week…go! In the picture, TWIGGY riding her Bianchi on the South Bank. Photo Ronald Traeger

  • colonel kurtz


    A view of the Mekong River in Cambodia. Photo Antonello Tabarelli de Fatis

  • stille nacht / die kraft


    «Um Mitternacht, wenn die Menschen erst schlafen,
    dann scheinet uns der Mond,
    dann leuchtet uns der Stern;
    Wir wandeln und singen
    und tanzen erst gern.
    Um Mitternacht, wenn die Menschen erst schlafen,
    Auf Wiesen, an den Erlen
    wir suchen unsern Raum
    und wandeln und singen
    und tanzen einen Traum.» 

    JOHANN WOLFGANG von GOETHE – Gesang der Elfen.

    Walenstadtberg, Dienstag den 22.Oktober 2013. DORIS Elfenhain an einem ruhigen und stillen Abend.  Photo Antonello Tabarelli de Fatis

  • go


    This will be a very full busy and exciting week in Italy, so hurry up!. TWIGGY wearing the “mobile dress” at Battersea Park in London. Photo Ronald Traeger.

  • save the date


    The next September 25, CHRISTIE’S is hosting Kate Moss – The Collection of Gert Elfering” a selection of more than 50 pieces, photographs, paintings, sculptures, curated by the art collector GERT ELFERING. Visits from September 21 until September 24. London, 8 King street, St.James’s. Photo NICK KNIGHT for Vogue UK , may 2003.

  • un corto per favore


    It was not possible to start the day at the last EUROBIKE without a corto (corto or basso is the true italian caffè) lovely prepared by ROBERTO, barman and salesman for MOKARABIA at the THULE booth.
    Photo Antonello Tabarelli de Fatis

  • Grazie mille


    Let me say a huge-huge-huge grazie mille to LORENZO TAXIS, Chief Marketing and Communication CAMPAGNOLO. Two days before the race, by changing the wheels I noticed that the bolt of the rear brake shoe was damaged. Racing in this condition was a risk, pushing hard on all the downhills the next Sunday. After checking by all the shops in the valley(it is incredible, with more than 9.000 cyclists they do not stock spare-parts!) I went to the CAMPAGNOLO booth at the Expo zone. Here I met LORENZO TAXIS, I explained him my problem and as a talented mech he disassembled a rear brake from the display and gave me the new bolt. Grazie mille LORENZO and so sorry I was not on the podium! Photo Antonello Tabarelli de Fatis

  • happy birthday


    No doubt, my mother LAURA was the strongest trainer I have ever had. Today is her birthday, tanti auguri Capitano!

  • papavero


    The very first beautiful and proud Papavero I found on the road this season is for DORIS.