• love

    Opatovicka 18, my favorite balcony in Prague. Photo Antonello Tabarelli de Fatis

  • mxp

    Leaving Milano in a fantastic quiet evening. Photo Antonello Tabarelli de Fatis

  • Bolgia 5

    “Canto XXI, il quale tratta de le pene ne le quali sono puniti coloro che commisero baratteria, nel quale vizio abbomina li lucchesi; e qui tratta di dieci demoni, ministri a l’offizio di questo luogo; e cogliesi qui il tempo che fue compilata per Dante questa opera.” Inferno, Canto XXI, The Eighth Circle, Fifth Pouch: the Barrators. (more…)

  • che figura di merda!

    HEIN VERBRUGGEN chief of UCI between 1991 and 2005 and PAT McQUAID reigning chief.

  • ciao leone


    “Signori, questo uomo qua’, che si chiama Fiorenzo Magni era una Campione che batteva i Campioni di nome Coppi e Bartali”. ALFREDO MARTINI

  • RIP

    Goodbye Emmanuelle.

  • pendine sands

    Pendine Sands, ” The finest natural speedway imaginable” a seven mile venue of pure British speed, is the famous beach in South West Wales used by Sir MALCOM CAMPBELL in 1924 for his World Land Speed Record. This showed in the pictures is a 2012 story of opposites set by DEATH SPRAY CUSTOM. Land vs Sea, Tide vs Light, Coast vs Carbon, Sand vs Gears. Watch the amazing set of pics (…)

  • Reminder


    Another friendly reminder before they are gone for the super-limited deluxe gift box edition with a wool vintage Cinelli cycling cap available only for pre-order. Only a very limited number will be available, so hurry! Price and delivery will be communicated soon. The regular edition will be dispatched end of October 2012. Reserve your copy!