Tag: aerodinamica

  • yvan

    Yvan Mash Bolt

    YVAN’s new Mash Bolt. Biel. Yesterday.

  • josef bayer

    Josef Bayer Zlin

    The first time I ever saw a pair of JOSEF BAYER’s wheels was this summer at the Favorit Velodrome in Brno. They were a 3-spoke and a disc wheel. They were all black and aggressive looking, but they had a small green symbol on them, very speedy, very romantic. They made a strong impression on me and I asked the man responsible for the Velodrome about them. He replied by telling me about a certain JOSEF BAYER, builder of fantastic rims from the south of Moravia, but beyond that he knew little. The more I thought about it the more I realised that I needed to find this Mr.JOSEF BAYER, even if nobody knew how to help me, nobody had an address or contact.

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  • LX1487

    Swiss flight LX1487

    Leaving Zürich, see you in Praha. I am really excited, full day of meetings, at the Brno Favorit Velodrome. But the most exciting meeting will be with JOSEF BAYER a genious of the aluminium and carbon wheels. More info soon.

  • how do you feel today?

    Campione del Mondo?

    Cinelli cork ribbon Campione del Mondo


    Campione Italiano?

    Cinelli cork ribbon Campione d'Italia

    Maglia rosa?


    Cinelli cork ribbon yellow


    Cinelli cork ribbon vintage


    Cinelli cork ribbon celeste bianchi

    Maglia nera?

    Cinelli cork ribbon black


    Cinelli cork ribbon grigio


    Cinelli cork ribbon rosso

    All those beautiful tapes are only a part of the famous Cinelli Cork Ribbon serie “No Gloves”. 100% natural cork, 100% made in Italy.
    Info & orders: shop [at] aerodinamica.ch  Aerodinamica is official CINELLI distributor for Switzerland.

  • I’ll cross my heart

    Lea Maria

    LEA MARIA Self-portrait.

  • friends

    Annika at the Zurich Six Days 2011

    The beautiful ANNIKA at our booth yesterday evening.

    Julia, Daniel and Robert at the Zurich Six Days 2011

    Happy to see you! ROBERT, JULIA, DANIEL at our booth yesterday evening.


    Duckcycle at the Zurich Six Days 2011

    DUCKCYCLE crew CHRISTIAN, MANUEL, SÄMI at the opening yesterday evening.

  • 2011 zürich six days

    Zurich Six Days 2011

    Hope to see you soon at the next Zurich Six Days from Wednesday 30th. November to Saturday 3rd.December where we will have on display the full CINELLI track line, with the new wonderful Cinelli Mash Histogram, the new 2012 Cinelli Mash Bolt, a fantastic Cinelli Supercorsa Pista nero and the complete line of parts, Cinelli Mash Bulhorn and stem, Cinelli Mash ribbon, Mike Giant Velvet ribbon and more. See you soon.

  • just in

    Cycling cap Brooklyn

    Watch and shop the new cappellino BROOKLYN “Edizione Giro d’Italia 1976”. One size fits all, 100% made in Italy, 100% lightweight cotton, perfect for wearing under your helmet. Numbers are limited and will be sold only online or during the ZURICH SIX DAYS. Info & orders: shop [at] aerodinamica.ch


  • superb

    Superb cycling shop Boston

    It is always a great pleasure to show beautiful shops like SUPERB BICYCLE.
    A perfect mix of ambience, culture, design, art and “puro ciclismo”. The Vintage collection of old sexy Italian frames and bicycles is really awesome. JASON did a great job. Next time you find yourself in the Boston area and looking for the finest Cinelli and Colnago line, stop by their shop, you will be happy you did.